
Ærø, Denmark: Denmark's Charming Isle – Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide – Travel Bite

More info about travel to Æro: The best way to explore Ærø, Denmark’s charming 22-mile island, is by bicycle. Ærø’s 7,000 residents enjoy local produce sold roadside on the honor system and save on heating costs using one of the world’s largest solar power plants. The island also features prehistoric burial sites, one of which holds a full Viking …

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Copenhagen, Denmark: Canal Boat Cruise – Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide

Copenhagen means “Merchants’ Harbor” and impressive buildings from many eras hug the waterfront. Harbor tour boats come and go constantly, giving visitors a relaxing glide down the historic canals and along the harbor front, home to the Little Mermaid and a chorus line of strikingly modern Danish architecture. Subscribe at for weekly updates on more European destinations. #ricksteves #ricksteveseurope …

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